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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 蛛形纲;Arachnida » 柄腹亚纲 » 蜘蛛目 » 幽灵蛛科 »

学名:Pholcus brevis
male: Total length 5.58 (5.73 with clypeus), prosoma 1.54 long, 1.79 wide, opisthosoma 4.04 long, 1.60 wide. Leg I: 40.13 (9.94 + 0.77 + 10.26 + 16.60 + 2.56), leg II: 27.29 (7.37 + 0.76 + 6.73 + 10.83 + 1.60), leg III: 19.81 (5.64 + 0.71 + 4.74 + 7.50 + 1.22), leg IV: 25.93 (7.44 + 0.73 + 6.41 + 9.94 + 1.41); tibia I L/d: 64. Dorsal shield of prosoma yellowish, with brown radiated stripes and brown bands marginally; ocular area yellowish, with a median brown band; clypeus yellowish, with a horn-shaped apophysis; sternum yellowish, with brown marks. Legs yellowish, but dark brown on patellae and proximal parts of tibiae and metatarsi, and whitish on distal parts of femora and tibiae, with distinct darker rings on femora (subdistally)and tibiae (subdistally). Opisthosoma yellowish, with spots dorsally and laterally. Distance PME-PME 0.24; diameter PME 0.16; distance PME-ALE 0.04; distance AME-AME 0.04; diameter AME 0.11. Ocular area elevated. No thoracic furrow. Sternum wider than long (1.25/1.02). Chelicerae as in Figs 41C and 42C, with pair of black apophyses distally provided with two modified hairs each, pair of unsclerotized thumb-shaped apophyses proximolaterally, and pair of small inconspicuous rounded apophyses frontally. trochanter with a long ventral apophysis provided with a thumb-shaped apophysis retrolaterally; tibia with a projection prolaterally; procursus simple proximally but complex distally, with a prolatero-dorsal spine; uncus earshaped, with a scaly edge and a short, proximal apophysis; appendix absent; embolus weakly sclerotized, with some transparent projections. Retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia I at 5%; legs with short vertical hairs on tibiae,metatarsi and tarsi, without spines and curved hairs; tarsus I with about 30 distinct pseudosegmentsFemale: Similar to male, habitus as in Figs 40D–E. Tibia I (n=2): 8.33, 8.72 (mean: 8.53). One of the specimens measured: total length 5.64 (5.77 with clypeus), prosoma 1.60 long, 1.90 wide, opisthosoma 4.04 long, 1.92 wide; tibia I: 8.72. Distance PME-PME 0.23; diameter PME 0.15; distance PME-ALE 0.05; distance AME-AME 0.06; diameter AME 0.09. Clypeus unmodified. Epigynum (Figs 40A and 41D) brown, with distinct patterns and a knob-shaped outgrowth. Dorsal view of vulva with a sclerotized arch anteriorly, two carrotshaped pore plates, and a large sclerite